Seminole County – Drivers and passersby can expect to see SunRail train activity this weekend on the railroad tracks between Sanford and Longwood. SunRail is performing testing related to the implementation of Positive Train Control (PTC). This is occurring over a 13-mile section. Testing could occur on either track and is scheduled Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9. The testing time lasts from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. both days.
The testing includes uphill and downhill brake tests at 20, 45, and 70 mph speeds to verify braking performance. As many as 35 runs are being completed each day. The PTC test train is a different configuration from what the public usually sees in the corridor (see below). The train consists of two locomotives, four coaches and one cab car. This is to simulate a fully-weighted SunRail train.
The data obtained will be programmed into the PTC system, which will be implemented on this 13-mile section by the end of this year. Full implementation on the entire 61.5-mile Central Florida Rail Corridor is expected by the later part of 2019. PTC computer technology prevents trains from going too fast and prevents collisions between trains that are on the same track. SunRail just received a nearly $15 million grant for PTC implementation.
Please be careful around trains, railroad crossings, and while at station platforms. Be smart. Be safe. For more information about SunRail, including fares, schedule and station locations, please visit