SunRail works with LYNX and Votran to provide a cost-effective option for our passengers. Bus-to-rail and rail-to-bus customers can transfer from one mode of transportation to the other:
From SunRail to Bus: #
- Pay your train fare
- Show LYNX/Votran operator your SunCard or one-way/round-trip ticket
- Receive one free transfer from the LYNX/Voltran bus operator to a feeder bus route that serves SunRail Stations
From Bus to SunRail: #
- Pay bus fare on LYNX/Votran feeder bus route
- Ask operator for a free transfer to SunRail (a transfer is always required even when passengers have a bus pass)
- Take transfer to SunRail ticket vending machine (four at each station)
- Follow instructions to use a transfer on the ticket vending machine screen
- Swipe transfer (which is valid for 90 minutes)
- Pay $1.00 upgrade for crossing each county line on SunRail (if necessary)
Both LYNX and Votran buses, which provide connecting bus service to SunRail, are also equipped with onboard wheelchair lifts that are deployed by the bus operator. Each station has a designated bus boarding area which is located along an angled curb to provide easily identifiable designated boarding areas and allow independent departure/arrival of the buses.